My Favorite Scholarship and College Help Websites

My Favorite Scholarship and College Help Websites

One of the things that I love to do is research scholarship websites.  On any given night in my hotel room as I’m on the road recruiting you can find me scouring the internet for information to help students who are looking for scholarship money for college.  There is so much out there on the world-wide-web that the average high school student, college student, or parent is overwhelmed and doesn’t know where to start.  Even in The Scholarship File there are many internet sites with hundreds of scholarships.  Where does one begin?  In this article I’ve posted some of my favorite scholarship sites on the internet in no particular order.

Jessica Velasco is a former admissions professional who now shares her insider knowledge to help students and their families as they move through the college admissions process.  The reason I like Jessica’s website is that it is all-encompassing.  Not only does she have hundreds of scholarships posted to her site (I especially like the scholarships she has posted by state of residence) but she also has very helpful articles for parents and students navigating the waters of the college admissions process.  This is one of my top 5 favorite websites.

Monica Matthews helped her son win over $100,000 in scholarships so she really knows the ins and outs of applying for scholarships.  This website is another one of my top 5 favorites.  Monica has a parent guide and student guide on how to win scholarships that you can purchase from her website.  I purchased the combo guide and there are some great tips and helps that Monica has put together to help those who have never navigated these waters.  Follow Monica Matthews on Twitter @AidScholarship for frequent updates and scholarships.

This is another of my top 5 favorite websites.  Of the websites out there, this one and the following are probably the most well-known.  This site tracks a reported over $19 billion in scholarship money.  Fill out a profile and the website will take your criteria and filter out scholarships based on your profile to match scholarships that may be a fit for you.  Follow on Twitter @Scholarshipscom

Fastweb is a free scholarship search provider that claims to have more than 1.5 million scholarships in its database. Like, the site will find scholarships in its database and email you matches, deadlines and newsletters.  You can expect a flood of emails with scholarships information after you fill out your profile so it would be good to set up a specific email address for your scholarship search.

In addition to many scholarships this website has a variety of things to help high school and college students.  Read articles on study tips and tricks, essential things every student needs, three ways to become a better student, the best tech products for students, four test-taking tips to help with exams, and many more.  Follow GetSchooled on Twitter @GetSchooled

This is a great college prep website.  If you’re getting ready for college, you will find a myriad of articles about, but not limited to, applying to colleges, scholarships for college and graduate students, SAT helps, and academic help.  Follow CollegeBoard on Twitter @CollegeBoard

Excellent website for scholarship search.  You can search by major, gender, minority, religion, or do a keyword or personalized search.

When you register at collegexpress you get the following:

·         Get matched to the best colleges for you.

·         Compare your favorite schools—and even get recruited!

·         Easily search and apply for $7 billion in scholarships.

·         Use our 800+ lists to explore colleges you’ve never even heard of before.

·         Read expert advice on financial aid, application essays, standardized tests, choosing a major, internships, and much, much more.

·         Enter our $10,000 scholarship giveaway!

Research careers and majors.  Find colleges that match what you want.  Calculate your chances of getting into the college of your choice.  Research over $11 billion in scholarships.  Read articles on a variety of subjects related to college (college applications, college life, academics, etc.). Follow Cappex on Twitter @Cappex

Excellent articles to help parents and college students navigate the waters of a college education.  I wish I’d known about this website when my children were in college.  One of the best and one of my top 5 favorite!  Follow collegeparent on Twitter @CollegeParent for up-to-date information and articles.

 These are just a few of the hundreds of college help and scholarship websites out there.  I’m sure there are some equally good websites that you may have found as well.  It all boils down to which one helps you achieve your goal of graduating from college and especially graduating debt free.  If you find some sites that have helped you in your scholarship search, let me know so I can add them to my list of sites to peruse. 

Chuck Kittrell